Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sellers, here's what buyers really think about your home

Have you ever wondered what a potential homebuyer thinks when she visits your house? Here are a few questions that came to my mind when I was searching for my first home. What's that smell? I never realized how sensitive I am to smells until I saw eight houses in one day. The pet smells, air fresheners, mildew, and fresh-paint odors left me with a pounding headache. Some people love the smell of cinnamon apples and others might not, but get some help from your Texas REALTOR® to figure out a way to create a more neutral smelling experience. That might mean opening a few windows before a showing or temporarily moving the litter box. Will that dog bite us? As a pet owner, I know I can't always take my dog or cat with me wherever I go. If you can take your pets with you when a buyer comes for a viewing, though, it can make for a much better home-tour experience. Why? Some people might be afraid of your pet. Other times, your pet can be a distraction. It's hard to concentrate when a barking dog accompanies you on your property tour. Where would I put my stuff? It's true what they say: buyers have a hard time looking past excessive clutter. When that spacious closet you're trying to sell is packed full, I can't tell how spacious it truly is. And navigating through your kids' toy maze is just as annoying for me as it is for you. It's hard to please every potential homebuyer who will walk through your door, but there are a few simple ways to make your home a little more inviting so your house isn't known as "the one with the cat smell" or "the one with the toy booby trap." Talk to your Texas REALTOR® and be open to his advice about preparing your home for sale. He'll know what attracts homebuyers to a property, and he's on your side to get it sold.

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